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Egyptian Sites

  • Temples
    • Karnak Temple
    • Luxor Temple
    • Valley Temple
    • Collossi of Memnon
    • Edfu
    • Kom Ombo
    • Philae
    • Abu Simbel
    • Kalabsha
    • Dendera
    • Abydos – The Temple of Seri. Build ca. 1279 BC. Was constructed by Seti I and his son, Ramses II
    • The lost temples in Nasser Lake
      The Rock Temple of Gyrshe
  • Tombs
    • Pyramids
      • The Step Pyramid
        • Mastaba
      • The Meidum Pyramid
      • The Bent Pyramid
      • The Red Pyramid
      • The Great Pyramid/The Pyramid of Cheops/The Pyramid of Khufu
      • The Pyramid of Chephren
      • Sphinx
      • Pyramid Sound & Light Show
    • Valley Chambers
      • Valley of the Kings
      • Valley of the Queens
      • Valley of the Nobles
      • Valley of the Artisans
    • Catacombs
      • Roman Catacombs
  • Museums
    • Egyptian Museum
      • Egyptian Collection
      • Roman Collection
      • Mummies
      • Egypt Kings
      • Pharaonic Furnishing
    • The Grand Egyptian Museum
    • Luxor Museum
    • Mummification Museum
    • Textile Museum
    • Museum of Islamic Art
    • Gayer Andersson
    • Howard Carters House
  • Coptic Cairo
    • Coptic Churces
      • The Hanging Church
      • Abu Serga
      • Ben Ezra
    • Coptic Museum
  • Old Cairo
  • Islamic Cairo –
    • Mosques
      • Alabaster Mosque
      • Citadel
      • Ibn Touloun
  • Khan El Khalili
  • Old Roman Fortress
  • Pompey’s Pillar